
Online Accounting and billing system for consulting service

If you have a consulting business or work as a freelance consultant, and whether you are an Engineering consultant, Business consultant, Educational consultant or any other field and you charge your clients per hour or per service, EasyInvoices gives you the power to make a customized invoice to suit the services you provide and create ‘hourly rate’ based invoices, or invoice your client by project.   To start invoicing your clients register for a free account […]


Online Billing & Accounting for Translation Service

If you have a business or work as a freelancer in translation, interpreting, localization or other related fields, EasyInvoices gives you the power to make a customized invoice to suit the services you provide and localized to your client’s local language. To start invoicing your clients register for a free account on EasyInvoices Billing and Accounting Software or if you are in a hurry use our free Translation Invoice Template. In this tutorial we will describe […]


Multi Staff Time Tracking & Billing Software

For medium, big or complex projects many staff members are needed to handle the overwhelming tasks, and with many staff doing the tasks under the same activities it would be hard to track what have each staff’s contribute to the project using the old fashioned ways. Our Online Time Billing & Accounting Software made  time tacking a hassle free process with its multi user feature where you can create many users and assign roles for […]


Track Expenses for Your Company & Generate Profit & Loss Report

Managing and tracking expenses with an online expenses tracking software can help reduce expenses by 20 percent or more. According to a recent Forrester survey : 69 percent of surveyed mid- to large-sized businesses view cloud-based expense management software as beneficial to cost reduction, believing such products could help reduce expenses by 20 percent or more. Not only you can save details of actual expenses incurred, as all are easily recorded within the system, but […]


How to Invoice Your Client Using 2Checkout

The Online Invoices Billing and Accounting Software is fully compatible with 2Checkout so you could invoice your clients and receive payments online to your 2Checkout account. 2Checkout  integration works with all of our Online Invoices software’s Invoice Templates. Activate 2checkout on payment your account To accept online payments for your invoices using 2Checkout, follow these steps: Login to your Online Invoices account, or Register for a free account from this link. From the “Settings” menu choose “Payment […]


How to Invoice Your Clients Using Stripe

The Online Invoices Billing and Accounting Software is fully compatible with Stripe so you could invoice your clients and receive payments online to your Stripe account. Stripe integration works with all of our Online Invoices software’s Invoice Templates. Activate Stripe on payment your account To accept online payments for your invoices using Stripe follow these steps: Login to your Online Invoices account, or Register for a free account from this link. From the “Settings” menu choose “Payment […]


Profit and Loss Report

What is Profit & Loss Report (P&L) ? The profit and loss statement is a summary of the financial performance of a business over time (monthly, quarterly or annually is most common). It reflects the past performance of the business and is the report most often used by small business owners to track how their business is performing. Source To access the Profit and Loss report (P&L): From the “Finance” menu choose “Profit & Loss […]


Vieiwing your Account Information

To access your account information: From the “Settings” menu choose “Account Information” The “Account Information” page will show theses information about your account: The business name and the sub domain for the business The Address for your business. The System’s Default currency. Your time zone Your date format From the account information page you will be able to upgrade your online invoices system  or renew you subscription it will also show you the date your […]


Create and Manage Staff Roles

Staff roles are the preset permissions that you can give to your staff depending on their role in your business. To Create a New Role: From the “Staff” menu choose “Manage Staff Role”. The “Manage Staff Role” page lists all the available created roles. From the top right corner click “New Role”. The “New Roles” page will list all the available permissions that can be associated with the staff member as in this picture below. […]


Generate an Invoice From Time-sheet

To Create an Invoice Using the Time-sheet: From the “Time Tracking” menu choose “Generate Invoice“. The Settings List By : Choose to list by and show project, activity, staff or Date. Format: Choose whether you need the items in details -every added time in a separate raw- or grouped by project, activity, staff or date range. Include in description : tick any check box you will need to add on the description field of the […]

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