
How to Upgrade Your Online Invoices System

Your online invoices system provides a variety of plans to fill different customer’s needs. You can choose one of the following plans:

  • Free plan
  • Silver plan
  • Gold plan
  • Platinum plan

If you wish to expand your system and upgrade to a higher plan follow these steps:

  1. From the top right corner in your system click on the drop down arrow and choose Upgrade.
  2. The browser will open the Upgrade Plans page. Choose the plan you wish to use, choose the monthly plan or the yearly plan and then click Choose Plan.
  3. After choosing a plan you will be directed to the payment page. Review the payment summary, choose your preferred payment method and fill inĀ  your basic details, and then click Proceed.
  4. After clicking Proceed your account will be upgraded to the plan you chose.


Contact Us if you have an issue or more questions.