Expenses & Income tracking
Add expenses anywhere from any device. You will be able to add your expenses from your PC or mobile and attach a picture of your receipts. Assign the expenses to a client and invoice him for it.Track what you spendwith a powerful expense report. Finance Reports can be filtered by Clients, Category, Vendors, or staff for any date range.

Lose and Profit Report
In a few steps, loss and profit reports will show your total revenue, expenses, and your net income. Choose a period: monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Choose your income from invoices and a date range, and the report will gather all your expenses and income from invoices and calculate your net profit.

Go paperless and Be Organized
Put your expenses in Different categories, Vendors, or clients and upload all your receipts to our system and stay organized without the clutter of receipts.

Recurring Expenses
Set the system to create a recurring expense on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for regular expenses.

Track your staff
Track every expense added by your staff with our powerful expenses reports, and See Where Your Money Goes with a customizable Expense Report.